The Team
Our ultimate goal is for Giortes Rokkas to be established as an ongoing event showcasing the area, by creating a cooperating network and by supporting infrastructures in the villages that could potentially develop into areas of permanent cultural interest, thus inspiring young people and children to become more involved in discovering the field of arts and culture.
The Team

Panagiotis Simandirakis Chairman of the Organizing Committee E-mail: director@giortesrokkas.gr

Mety Panagiotopoulou Artistic Direction Tel .: +30 6946905263 E-mail: production@giortesrokkas.gr

Thodoros Paraskakis Creative Director E-mail: design@giortesrokkas.gr

Photini Papahatzi Production Director E-mail: production@giortesrokkas.gr

Kyriaki Vassalou Media Communication Director E-mail: press@giortesrokkas.gr

Nikos Kefalogiannis Sound Design E-mail: sound@giortesrokkas.gr

Eliza Synadinou Copywriter

Tasos Fourakis Social Media Manager E-mail: press@giortesrokkas.gr

Niki Ftilitaki Sound Support

Yannis Papatzanis Production Consultant

Athena Charitaki Production organisation
Οργανωτικη Επιτροπή

Antonis Giannarakis President of the Rokka Cultural Group

Eftihis Papadakis President of the Rokka Community

Stefanis Tsondakis

Nikos Kastrinakis

Christos Maragoudakis

Stella Dendaki

Kastrinakis Vasilis

Katerina Maragoudaki

Maria Fountoulaki

Vaggelio Kynigalaki

Kostis Kastanakis